CWL Queensland
“For the Honour and Glory of God”
The inaugural meeting of the Catholic Daughters of Australia (CDA), now known as the Catholic Women’s League (CWL) of Queensland, was held on the 10th September 1927. From this humble beginning, the League in Queensland has grown to become a vital part of the life of the Church in Queensland and the wider community. Our members engage in an extraordinary range of activities throughout the length and breadth of our State. Each of our Branches contributes something special to our work. We are also involved on the national and international stage through our membership of CWLA.
President | Veronica Box | 07 5437 6909 | ||
Secretary | Ronaldah Gorring | |||
Treasurer | Joanne Warburton | |||
Social Issues | Shona Cobham | 07 5529 2325 | ||
International Secretary | Jean Tanzer OAM | 0477 311 870 | ||
Chaplain | Rev Fr Peter Luton | 07 3263 1245 | ||
General Contact |
Brisbane Archdiocese Catholic Women’s League
President: Sandy O’Donohue
Contact: Email
Phone: 0407 791 833
Postal Address: GPO Box 282, BRISBANE. QLD 4001.
Rockhampton Diocese Catholic Women’s League
President: Angie Camilleri
Contact: Email
Phone: 07 4942 6185
Postal Address: 41 Cinnamon Drive, GLENELLA. 4740
Townsville Diocese Catholic Women’s League
President: Maureen Perry
Contact: Email
Phone: 07 4783 5932
Postal Address: 16 Denis Street, AYR. QLD 4806
Associate membership is available as a single membership or as a member of an Associate Branch. There are presently two Associate Branches in the Toowoomba Diocese, Roma and Jandowae.
Associate Members pay an annual subscription of $25 due on November 20th. They receive the state newsletter Take Time, WUCWO Monthly Message, the National e-Newsletter, information on important projects and invitations to conferences and social functions.